I'm putting this up in case anybody's still looking at this blog. My main posting site is on the Samurai Detective page at Facebook.
The image I'm posting here is from a "fart scroll." No kidding, that's what the two men on the left are supposed to be doing. Here's an explanation from somebody who runs a blog under the name of Tofugu:
The whole scroll, which is called He-Gassen ("The Fart Battle") is just about people farting. Farting at other people, farting at cats, farting off of horses, farting into bags; just farting everywhere. Why? I couldn't really tell you. I've tried to do some research but, believe it or not, academic literature on Japanese farting is surprisingly few and far between. [...] I did find out enough to know that this isn't the only farting scroll out there in existence – in fact, in the 90s, a collection of fart scrolls sold for $1,500 at the famous Christie's auction house. I am not making this up.